Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Much Ado About Nothing: Distant Reading.

Before I used Wordle, when I first read the text, the word that stood out the most to me was "man". So, I like how that same word appears to be the biggest in the image above.

In Beatrice's speech, "man" is the word that is repeated most frequently, "woman" is only mentioned once at the end. Beatrice's words express what she perceives as the virtues of a man. To Beatrice an ideal man is one who would speak up for his woman and defend her honour. Her desperate speech also shows the male- dominant world she lives in, where a man's word (in this instance, Claudio's) is taken to be the truth- that a man's word has more weight than a woman's. I feel "man" is repeated here many times because,  however modern and emancipated Beatrice might be in her thoughts and words, she is dependent on a man to make right the situation.

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